- Associate is a person who is connected with others in a business.
- The Stone Profit Systems home page looks as shown below.
- After clicking the "+" symbol which is highlighted in above picture, you will redirect to New Vendor page and it will looks as shown below.
Associate Details:
- Associate Name: It is the associate name or associate company name. It is mandatory because without associate name can't do anything.
- Associate ID / Code: It is used to find the persons with same name and the code is u unique.
- Associate Type: It shows that the associate belongs to which type like builder, homeowner, architect etc.,
- Contact Name: The name of the associate representative.
- Referred By: It shows that who is referring this associate to our company.
Contact Details:
- In this contact information you need to provide the associate contact details like phone numbers, fax number, email address and website.
- And also provide the full address details like suite, city, state. zip etc., this are used to know the associate belongs to which location.
Other Details:
- Location: This location is our company location, this is used know that to which location of our company he is associate.
- Sales Rep: It means that the representative who deals with that associate from company.
- Internal Notes: Internal Notes are used to mention the details about that can be referred by other employees or any details that related to associate.
After submitting the form, the page redirect to associate view page it looks as shown below. And in view page, all you entered details are visible, if you want to edit you can edit.