Sunday, 7 January 2018


7-38-55 Rule Usefull Links: The Paradox of Choice wikipedia  link:

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Engineered Quartz

Quartz Quartz is chemical compound consisting of one part of Silicon and two parts of Oxygen. Chemical composition of  Quartz is Silicon Dioxide (SiO2). Common colors are white, black, purple, brown, black, green, red. Engineered Quartz: Engineered Quartz is a man-made product formed from...

Monday, 5 December 2016

Adding New Associate

Associate is a person who is connected with others in a business. The Stone Profit Systems home page looks as shown below. After clicking the "+" symbol which is highlighted in above picture, you will redirect to New Vendor page and it will looks as shown below. Associate Details: Associate...