What is an IP:
- An Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) is a numerical label used to communicate between computer devices and to identify the location of the devices which are connected on a TCP/IP network.
- The IP is divided into two id's which are Host id and Network id.
Internet Protocol
Format of IP:
Format of IP
Types of IP:
- There are two types of IP address are their which are:
- Static IP: A static IP address will never change and it is a permanent internet address.
- Dynamic IP: A dynamic IP address is a temporary address, that is assigned each time by Dynamic Host Internet Protocol(DHCP) when a computer or device accesses the internet.
Classes of IP:
- We have five types of classes are their in IP which are: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E. Each class have their own range in IP address, as shown below:
Classes Address ranging and Use
- Regularly Class A, Class B, and Class C are used.