- The WHOIS database contains contact and registration information for every domain registered with a particular registrar.
- Everyday lot of domain names are created and WHOIS database has contains every domain name information.
- When you register a domain name, all information regarding the domain is collected by domain name registrars.
- WHOIS databases are maintained by individual registrars and not by the central registry.
- For this reason they are not always fully up-to date. Most of the systems are updated every 24 hours,which means the results that they return can be up to 47 hours out of date.
- When we register a domain name with registrars, they are pass on the contact details to the WHOIS. These will then be publicly available through WHOIS services.
- It is useful in applications like Cybersecurity analysis, Fraud detection etc.
- We can download the WHOIS database by purchasing some applications from internet depending on our requirement.