Internal IP | External IP |
It is also referred as "Private IP" or "Local IP". | It is also refereed as "Public IP" |
It is the address that is assigned by our local network router and it has own specific ranges. | It is the address that is assigned by the Internet Service Provider(ISP). |
Internal IP is a type of LAN(Local Area Networks). | External IP is a type of WAN(Wide Area Networks). |
This IP is only seen by other computers which are connected in our local network. | This IP is seen by all computers which are are connected to the internet. |
We can't use Internal IP on the internet because this IP address ranges are blocked by internet routers. | We can use External IP address to connect with the internet. |
Internal IP is identified by computer with in local networks. | External IP is identified by computer on whole internet networks. |
Internal IP is unique within network organization. | External IP is globally unique. |
Internal IP ranges:
IANA(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) is reserved following IPv4 address ranges for Private Networks :
- - (Class A network)
- - (Class B network)
- - (Class C network)
Finding Internal IP:
Finding External IP: